180YTH Wednesdays
All teens grades 7-12 join us 7:00-8:30pm for 180YTH! The purpose for this group is to see teens experience and fall in love with Jesus. We combine music, memorable games and challenging messages to help them build a strong foundation of faith.
Come check it out!
Located at the South Placer Teen Center
3860 Oak St. Rocklin Ca. 95677
180 YTH Sunday
Apologetics Study for grades 7-12. Every Sunday get ready for an interactive study where you will be challenged to deepen your faith and develop a defense of what you believe. The goal is to equip believers and promote spiritual growth.
Located at 180 CHURCH
5190 Front St. Rocklin 95677
For more info email Matt at 180rocklin@gmail.com
The Battle You Win
A Devotional for teens written by 180YTH Leaders!
Have you ever heard the saying “your biggest enemy is yourself”? Whether it’s true or not the Bible is clear that we have a battle within. The conflict inside our soul is between light and darkness, spirit and flesh, living for others or living for self. Just like most movies there is a dark side trying to draw us away from God and all that is right. This book was put together to challenge you to live like Christ. Not to ignore evil but defeat it by walking in the light. Take this 21 day challenge and practice fighting the flesh so you can live more like Christ.
180 Youth VIDEOS