Join us for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting –

21 Days in a row – Jan. 6th – 26th OR Tuesdays in 2025

When 180 Church started over 40 years ago, regular rhythms of prayer and fasting were established to praise and petition the Lord. This included our Tuesday morning prayer meetings, where to this day we have a faithful body of believers who participate every week! In this spirit of prayer, we are starting off 2025 with a rhythm of prayer and fasting. The choice is yours if you would like to fast for 21 straight days from January 6th-26th, or develop a rhythm of fasting in your life by going for 21 Tuesdays (starting January 7th and continuing weekly through May 30th). We can’t wait for you to join us!

Why do we fast?

Types of Fasting

Daily Prayer Guide

Family Prayer Guide

Foursquare’s Website

Why do we fast?

In the Gospel of Mark, a father approached Jesus telling Him that his son suffered from epilepsy and was severely sick. When the father brought his child to the disciples, they could not cure him. Jesus rebuked the demon inside the boy, and the child was cured immediately. When the disciples asked Jesus why they could not heal the boy, Jesus said that “this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

According to the Bible, there are four duties of every Christian: give, pray, read your Bible and fast. When you give God your first through fasting, prayer, and giving at the beginning of the year, you set the course for the entire year. Fasting is simply giving up something, such as food, so that we can replace that time moving closer to the Father. We see the Spirit of Jesus show up in profound ways every year.

Start your transformational journey towards intimacy with God, experience lasting peace and joy, and learn to pray and walk with God daily. What do you need from God? Join us for these 21 days, and watch mountains move in your life.


You can select from three types of fasts – a full fast, Daniel fast, or give up at least one meal.

The Daniel Fast
Eat no meat, no sweets, no bread and no dairy. Drink water and juice. Eat fruits and vegetables. Click here to learn more.

Partial Fast
A partial fast is from 6:00am to 3:00pm or from sun up to sundown.

Full fast
Drink only liquids.

*PLEASE consult your physician before participating.

Greg and Val’s 31 Day Prayer Challenge

In December 2022, Greg and Val Kurjata from JCH Online hosted a 31 Day Prayer Challenge. These videos are still available online and are a great resource for scriptures to pray through during our 21 Day Prayer and Fast!