Our mission is REAL: Restore people to Christ, Establish people in Christ, And Love people like Christ!
History of 180 Church
In 1983, Pastors Harlyn and Jeri Matson pioneered 180 Church, which was originally launched as Crossroads Community Church in Rocklin, California. The church was attended by 17 people from Rocklin on our first service, and God has blessed our journey together! We were a church on the move! In the first five weeks, we met in five different locations! In the first two years, we met in over 20 different locations — but God was faithful and we were slowly growing. In 1987, God miraculously allowed us to purchase our sanctuary facility.
Possessing the land, we also purchased a widow’s home near our sanctuary parking lot, and began a Shepherd’s House for ministry interns. Today this home is known as the Ministry House and is occupied by faithful staff members.
In 1990 a church called “Citylight” merged with us and we purchased their property which is now referred to as South Placer Teen Center. Our youth group UROK meets there every Friday night at 7pm!
Two years later, we also purchased the house at the north end of our sanctuary property. This is “180 Kids Kampus.” In 2008, we started Crossroads Community Pre-School, which is now called Kids Kampus Academy.
A highlight of our church ministry has been world missions. Nearly 20% of our church family have been on international mission teams in over 20 nations and we have touched thousands and thousands of people.
In 2005, Pastor Jeri founded Hearts Without Borders to begin building a medical clinic for a population of nearly one million people who had no medical resources in Burundi, Africa (about 20 minutes south of the Rwanda border). She received a $100,000 grant from Foursquare Foundation to help fund many of the projects accomplished there. See heartswithoutborders.net to read more about “Hope Medical Clinic” and “Hope Sewing Machine Training Institute” in Burundi, Africa.
In 2007, Celebrate Recovery was birthed and this ministry brings hope and healing to those with life controlling issues. In 2020 we rebranded as 180 Recovery & Restoration, see 180randr.com for more information.
Our Cleansing Stream ministry has received open doors to work both in Folsom and Solano prisons. Scores of people have received deliverance and emotional healing through this powerful ministry tool.
180 Church’s commitment to serve the poor, single mothers and widows in our community and our ongoing food closet is a blessing to hundreds. Six middle schools help us collect food during the holidays, and 180 Church distributes the food throughout the year.
Today we minister to a humble congregation of about 100, operating multiple facilities and we are always looking to improve and upgrade. We have seen so many come to Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit. We’ve planted 3 churches and sent out pastoral leaders, key leadership teams, and missionaries from our congregation. We indeed feel an anointing and blessing upon our lives and give all the glory to Jesus!
180 Staff

Harlyn Matson
Senior Pastor

Jeri Matson
Executive Pastor

Tim Brisson
180 Recovery and Restoration Pastor

Matt Raible
Communications Director & Youth Pastor

Monica Raible
Worship Leader

Angel Hendrix
Children's Director
180 Church Is Part of Foursquare Gospel International
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon-Coming King. We stand firm on the foundation set by Hebrews 13:8, which proclaims: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
What We Believe
Contact Us
Address: 5190 Front St. Rocklin, CA 95677
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